Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Homeland Security

What is the U.S. doing to make the people safe? Everybody has to be safe, a right as a citizen to be safe at home, school, church and malls. How the U.S. is trying to end wars and terrorism. They're checking people phone records. They're checking at the airports guards are checking for bombs and liquids if they bring. Even at ports guards are also checking bombs. In the airports and at ports are checking people to be safe and they don't bring things that are violent so that nobody is hurt.

How are school trying to be more safe? Students are not allowed to bring knives. Sharp tools or guns when their at school. The doors are locked more often for security. They also have security cameras so if students fight or someone stranger wants to do bad thing in the office they check whats going on .

I chose this topic because it gives me ideas about how people in the world have to be safe. It was really interesting to me.


giggles_magee said...

I really enjoy your topic and look forward to reading more about it as times goes on this year. Your writing is a little roguh and there are a few missing words and words there are too many of. I also dont see you link so i assume you dont have one... all in all a liitle work is needed to pull off you peice. If you need help im willing to help you.

aRiver(s)Sidem said...

yea..well your blog is a little hard to understand but what i did get out of it is useful and good to know...