Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How could drugs be controled better?

Some people agree or disagree about marijuana being legal. Most observers think that drug related crime is an impotant issue. Daniel Patrick Moynihan thinks that we are required to choose between a crime problem and a public health problem.

Some people think intensifying the current law enforcement efforts against drugs is best. Marijuana, which is considered to be much less addictive or dangerous than cocaine or heroin, has been the subject of a large part of the debate over drug legalization. People believe if marijuana is a to legal that people will use harder drugs too.

Most observers think that drug related crime and addiction are pressing social problems. Many of those in favor of marijuana have stated that they are against the legalization of harder drugs. They think marijuana is not a bad drug.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D.N.Y) has observed that with drugs we are required to choose between a crime problem and a public health problem. The marijuana legalization movement has become vocal again, pushing for legislation to reduce penalties for marijuana use.They want to legalize it as a medical treatment for seiously ill people.


Crisol Tellez said...

I think drugs should not be legal at all, not even mariguana. That would lead to a very big health problem beacause so many people would get addicted.

giggles_magee said...

good subject, shows alot of controversy.... i believe marijuana shold be legalized for many reasons....none for personal use... others drugs on the other had no... if marijuana was legalized our countries justice system would be able to go after, slevery or bigger, worse drugs....

Anonymous said...

Interesting post-- please be sure to cite your sources!

D@!$Y said...

Well I don’t agree with the use of any drug!!! Allowing any drug to become legal could create health hazards and controversies. Great topic!!!

**SHORTY** said...

Aracely i really agree w crisol marijuana or any other drug should be iligal or at least only sold with a priscription.

aRiver(s)Sidem said...

which is worse? a crime problem or a public problem

~*Chapis*~ said...

i completely disagree with people that think that any drug should be legal because that will destroy everything that we have worked on and then people will be even more into drugs.