Friday, December 14, 2007

House calls on top spy to testify

-T he Denver post by Friday Dec. 14. 07

The House intelligence (spy) committee asked Jose Rodriguez to come in and testify about destroying video tapes of the questioning of two terrorism suspects. The tapes were made in 2002. The CIA destroyed the tapes in 2005. The tapes were made to record how CIA officers were using new rougher techniques to force prisoners to talk. These techniques were aproved by President Bush, but some people think that they are torture and this is wrong. Representative Rush Holt wants to make a bill that would have the CIA video tape all of it's interrogations and keep the tapes.

I think they should have a witness to watch the questioning so they would know how the CIA is doing these interrogations. They should not torture people.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Homeland security statistics

17,000 Number of employee within the new department of Homeland security, that means to me a lot of people got jobs.

22 Number of government agencies that will Merge under the department, that means to me government agent would work together.

$2.13 billion Homeland security's IT Budget, that means to me that there is a lot of money going to Homeland security.

Bush has requested roughly $2.13 billion for IT spending in 2003 alone within the Department of Homeland security- a figure INPUT forecasts will be even higher. That means to me that, lots of money is going to computer companies to watch what are people are doing.

Friday, December 7, 2007


It feels bad about what happened on Sept. 11 2001 people were sad when the towers went down. In their heart of the people they still has the memory of their friends and family.

Why did that happened, why did people have to die? People that had friends and family in the towers would wish they could still be here in the world.

In my opinion, I think that Al- Oueda doesn't have feelings and heart because they don't care how many people they killed. I think that it should be Al- Oueda who are killed, not the innocent people.

Homeland Security is a good thing to protect people and to be safe. Humans should be aloud to be peace and alive. People don't like terrorism. People just like to be happy and free.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Two different opinions of the Patriot Act.

For the Patriot Act
-The Patriot Act lets the government search people's phone records listen to their conversations and do searches. These methods will help stop terrorist acts.

Against the Patriot Act
-People who are against the Patriot Act believe that there would be amendments that would take away the people's rights.

"Preserving the Patriot Act essential to national security"
By Craig Bowen

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What people think?

How could we stop the war, so that people would be safe?

-I truly believe in diplomacy and economic sanctions . If we were to allow the U.N to mediate more, this would help ease, and eventually stop the war.

-It all above communication. If men would learn to talk it would be easier.

-Education is the first step. The sad thing is that we can't "stop the war." There are too many people on both sides who are ignorant or pig- headded enough to keep it going.

-I think that the U.S needs to work harder to involve to the countries that border Iraq. Also they should set a deadline for bringing troops home.

-If people would communicate better their would be less fighting.

- On my oppion, I think that war should stop because if it doesn't stop the world would be ended. I think the war is distractive continues through the world.

What do you think people should do with drugs and alcohol that have been confiscated?

- I think they should be immediately destroyed.

- Destroyed/ resold depending on legality safety.

-They should lock it all away and burn it.

- On my oppion , I think that the polices should burn it and destroyed.

Why do you think people use guns, drugs and alcohol in their lives.

- I think guns gives people sense of power, That for some people guns are way to scary people and sometimes of violent way to solve the problem. I think people use drugs and alcohol to feel good, many people use drugs to escape their problems.

-It means of violence and coercion are often put to use by people who suffer from a sense of fear; fear inadequacy, couliness. elk .

- On my oppion I think people use drugs and alcohol because they feel alone, sadness and maybe those nothing what to do and they do those things to waste time. I think they use guns because they maybe feel angry. Some people thinks that having guns are fun are to make friends think there cool.

- People use guns because they feel safe. Most people use drugs to escape from it all. People use alcohol because they have family problems are wanna have fun.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Security locks up the immigration

The President from Mexico Vicente Fox went to the White House floor Sept. 6. He delivered a message, that the United States should relax on immigration law. How ever, after Sept 11, people in Washington began to think about protecting borders. On Jan 25, just four months after the attacks, Bush said that he would double the number of immigration and Naturalization Service agents patrolling the borders from 9,000 ti 18,000 and increase the INS enforcement budget by $ 1.2 billion. The main borders are with Canada and Mexico. They want to make sure the terrorists don't not get in. They also want to be able to buy and sell goods with them. People are confused about immigration that immigrants may are maybe not be terrorists. The politicians don't want to be too strict about the borders because they want to keep the Hispanic vote.

Global Issues * World Affairs Sirs Ending Issues 2003

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How could drugs be controled better?

Some people agree or disagree about marijuana being legal. Most observers think that drug related crime is an impotant issue. Daniel Patrick Moynihan thinks that we are required to choose between a crime problem and a public health problem.

Some people think intensifying the current law enforcement efforts against drugs is best. Marijuana, which is considered to be much less addictive or dangerous than cocaine or heroin, has been the subject of a large part of the debate over drug legalization. People believe if marijuana is a to legal that people will use harder drugs too.

Most observers think that drug related crime and addiction are pressing social problems. Many of those in favor of marijuana have stated that they are against the legalization of harder drugs. They think marijuana is not a bad drug.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D.N.Y) has observed that with drugs we are required to choose between a crime problem and a public health problem. The marijuana legalization movement has become vocal again, pushing for legislation to reduce penalties for marijuana use.They want to legalize it as a medical treatment for seiously ill people.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Personal reflection

What I've learned so far? So far, I learned about what on the Sept 11,01 and since that day nobody has been safe on their future. Even at school their are problems with safety because students have been bringing knifes or other weapons. Also in airports there are guards that are checking if people are bringing weapons and bombs so that people would be safe when their flying.

What I understand and don't understand?
I understand that people wants to be safe so nothing would happened to them. Also at school teachers make sure that students don't fight and bring weapons. Some school has cameras for safety.I don't understand why the War in Iraq is still going on because we're losing a lot of people lives. I think everybody should be treated the same not as animals. All people are humans, of god until we die.

How I've feeling about the topic?
I feel sad about Homeland Security because we're not sure if safe are not. The only thing, I want is that everybody would be safe and everything would stop with the War in Iraq and to be in peace.

What I am still wondering?
I'm wondering how long before this is going to be over. I hope this some day would ended.
I think every person in the world should be safe and have peace and freedom.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Do you think were safe now?

Do you think we are now safer from terror attack than we were before Sept. 11, 2001? Their are still lot of gaps in our home security. They have 22 different information gathering agencies. They get confused about who is getting which information.

The USA has been though this before. In 1812 Americans have to fight British invasion. During World War 1 and 2 the USA was worried about Germans sneaking into the USA. Then there was an attack on Pearl Harbor. This was all National Security threats.

The people of the USA are feeling afraid of terrorsim. New Yorkers are specially anxious. They are trying to predict the future of terrorist activity. At the airport there are still going to be lot of security procedures.

CQ Researcher Sept 12,2003

Monday, October 8, 2007

Website review

They have links for:
  • Family disaster planning
  • children and disaster
  • Special needs and concerns
  • Animal safety
  • Financial preparations
  • Business and industry guide
  • Personal workplace disaster supplies kit
Five threat conditions for:
Green= low Orange=high
Blue=guarded Red=severe

A Spanish version of the site is available.

I like this website because it shows the helps for the people it needs in the world and explains everything that you need.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Homeland Security

What is the U.S. doing to make the people safe? Everybody has to be safe, a right as a citizen to be safe at home, school, church and malls. How the U.S. is trying to end wars and terrorism. They're checking people phone records. They're checking at the airports guards are checking for bombs and liquids if they bring. Even at ports guards are also checking bombs. In the airports and at ports are checking people to be safe and they don't bring things that are violent so that nobody is hurt.

How are school trying to be more safe? Students are not allowed to bring knives. Sharp tools or guns when their at school. The doors are locked more often for security. They also have security cameras so if students fight or someone stranger wants to do bad thing in the office they check whats going on .

I chose this topic because it gives me ideas about how people in the world have to be safe. It was really interesting to me.