Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reflection on my blog

I'm glad that I chose my topic on Homeland Security because I learned a lot of what was going on this world. It was really hard reading about people having problem's from 2001 to today. People were surprised about the big accident that happened on Sept 11, 2001. I learned that people weren't too sure if they were safe or not because of the accident that was going on. But it's nice to know new things about what's going on in this world and to find out how we can be safer.
The three most important things that I learned about my topic is that Homeland Security means a lot of things that happen in this world. It's mostly about accidents, wars, drugs, using guns, and some things that are really seriously violent, but some parts aren't to serious. The second thing that I learned is about what people think; opinions about Homeland Security, if it is good or bad. The las thing I learned is about problems that people have. Sometimes they fight with violence and people do bad things that they don't need to do.
The advice that I would give to the people is to tell the government that people need their rights not taken away. Some Homeland Security laws take away rights. In airplanes people should follow the directions about what you really need or not to be safe in the air plane. Anything could happen. I think that every person should help each other so the whole world will be safe. We the people really need peace to be safe.
If someone was going to read one of my blogs, which one would I tell him or her to read? I would tell the Questionaire blog. It's really nice to know about what people think and give opinions about my topic. I saw that people really have different opinions of Homeland Security. It shows that some people do care about what's going on in this world.
What I really wish I would have done differently is organize and focus on my writing so that people would understand what I'm saying about my topic. I also should do more complex writing for each blog.
What I feel I did well on my blogs was that I mostly turned in my work on time. I got information that I needed for the assignments. I wrote my paragraphs the best I could. I felt that I tried my best on my blog so people would see how much work I have done on my blog.
I feel that it's much better doing a blog than turning in a typed eassy because in a blog you can take your time on the computer to do the assignments. You don't need to be in a hurry. But in a type eassy you usually have to turn it in the date that the teacher says to turn it in. In a blog you can know what your missing and know which blog you need to do. It's fun having a blog to see how much work you have done.
The easiest part of my project was the poem because I wrote what I felt about Homeland Security. The poem was about the twin towers. The paragraph wasn't too long, but it was easy and it didn't take me too long to do it. I wrote what I thought, not taking other people's ideas.
The hardest part of my project was the two different opinions of the Patrict Act. At first I couldn't find the best one to do, but then I found one that was easy to understand. After I read it three times, I understould it. I wrote it in my own words .
What I learned about other people's blogs was that they had useful information on their main topic. I learned what was going on with different topics, such as anorexia and teenage pregnancy.
In conclusion, this was useful because I learned from my project. I learned about Homeland Sercurty and other people's blogs.

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