Friday, December 7, 2007


It feels bad about what happened on Sept. 11 2001 people were sad when the towers went down. In their heart of the people they still has the memory of their friends and family.

Why did that happened, why did people have to die? People that had friends and family in the towers would wish they could still be here in the world.

In my opinion, I think that Al- Oueda doesn't have feelings and heart because they don't care how many people they killed. I think that it should be Al- Oueda who are killed, not the innocent people.

Homeland Security is a good thing to protect people and to be safe. Humans should be aloud to be peace and alive. People don't like terrorism. People just like to be happy and free.


giggles_magee said...

WOULDNT THAT BE GREAT.... but we must remember two wrongs dont make a right.... we alll have a hard time accepting this concept... i sure do... I try not to but it's so stuck in my brain that its jsut thsat way... september 11 was bad... but we over came it and the al-queda are going to do what they are going to do.... but AMERICA's government doesnt care about that they care about Iraq!!!!! NOT ALLL IRAQIS ARE F***ING Al-Quedas' we are so judge=mental... we did it to take look off of bin Laden... i dont even know if that true... what is it that we think that we can beleive anything anyone says... you should watch

****farenheit 911**** by micheal moore

mario said...

good job I really like it.