Friday, December 14, 2007

House calls on top spy to testify

-T he Denver post by Friday Dec. 14. 07

The House intelligence (spy) committee asked Jose Rodriguez to come in and testify about destroying video tapes of the questioning of two terrorism suspects. The tapes were made in 2002. The CIA destroyed the tapes in 2005. The tapes were made to record how CIA officers were using new rougher techniques to force prisoners to talk. These techniques were aproved by President Bush, but some people think that they are torture and this is wrong. Representative Rush Holt wants to make a bill that would have the CIA video tape all of it's interrogations and keep the tapes.

I think they should have a witness to watch the questioning so they would know how the CIA is doing these interrogations. They should not torture people.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Homeland security statistics

17,000 Number of employee within the new department of Homeland security, that means to me a lot of people got jobs.

22 Number of government agencies that will Merge under the department, that means to me government agent would work together.

$2.13 billion Homeland security's IT Budget, that means to me that there is a lot of money going to Homeland security.

Bush has requested roughly $2.13 billion for IT spending in 2003 alone within the Department of Homeland security- a figure INPUT forecasts will be even higher. That means to me that, lots of money is going to computer companies to watch what are people are doing.

Friday, December 7, 2007


It feels bad about what happened on Sept. 11 2001 people were sad when the towers went down. In their heart of the people they still has the memory of their friends and family.

Why did that happened, why did people have to die? People that had friends and family in the towers would wish they could still be here in the world.

In my opinion, I think that Al- Oueda doesn't have feelings and heart because they don't care how many people they killed. I think that it should be Al- Oueda who are killed, not the innocent people.

Homeland Security is a good thing to protect people and to be safe. Humans should be aloud to be peace and alive. People don't like terrorism. People just like to be happy and free.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Two different opinions of the Patriot Act.

For the Patriot Act
-The Patriot Act lets the government search people's phone records listen to their conversations and do searches. These methods will help stop terrorist acts.

Against the Patriot Act
-People who are against the Patriot Act believe that there would be amendments that would take away the people's rights.

"Preserving the Patriot Act essential to national security"
By Craig Bowen